Helping by interviewing veterans and survivors

Before you begin interviewing and uploading interviews, the first thing that anyone can do to contribute is by signing up to make an account. 

Here will be the opportunity for you and others to interview any of your family members, anyone you know around, or upload any interviews that you are in possession of. It is important that this is done before all of them are lost! Every time that that a WWII veteran (254 in the US each day alone according to the National WWII Museum) or survivor dies, the story of an individual, people around that individual, and so much more of around a century, vanishes, sadly with not much information to recover from other sources. Interviews can be conducted normally such as a one on one (can be more person interviewing someone) with a camera, or if it isn’t possible, and with permission, to upload an emailed, texted, or telephoned interview. One other thing that is important to do (especially if the WWII veteran, survivor, or other, has passed away) is to interview people that knew the veteran or survivor, to whom their story was told. In that case, at least some of an individual’s story can be saved. Everything about uploading interviews will be detailed in the Multimedia Guide. An upcoming guide about how to conduct interviews will be published soon. If you want a guide however, you can for now consult the Interview Guide by the RememberWW2 organization.