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From WWII Archives

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Named Welcome to the official WWII Archives Manual of Style (shortened to WAMoS). The WAMoS is divided into different sections, the first being about the proper mentality of historical analysis, the second being about sources and citing them, the third
content1=::Lettres de M<sup><u>r</u></sup> de Lavie
fils du Président de Lavie
envoyé à S<sup><u>t</u></sup> Petersbourg par le
Roy de France en 1713 —
:comme " Protecteur du commerce de
::la Nation Française "
M<sup><u>r</u></sup> de Lavie était marié avec M<sup><u>elle</u></sup> Francoise Rocaute
::::fille du <del>2<sup>e</sup></del>1<sup>er</sup> mariage
:La fille de M<sup><u>me</u></sup> de Lavie etait M<sup><u>me</u></sup> Lambert

For anything that has to do with Multimedia (uploaded files), see the Multimedia Guide.

==Principles of the historical process and debating on the WWII Archives==
In order to participate in a history project of this magnitude, it will be required to have at least a basic understanding of the historical method, having debates, discussions, arguments, how to analyze sources, how to think critically, asking questions, and more. This is especially for those who just readily accept claims and sources as fact without questioning the source, where it came from, who created it, etc. Therefore it is vitally important to read this part of this article carefully, so as to fulfill the goal and philosophy of the WWII Archives. This not only applies to writing about historical events, but every kind of subject out there that could be written about on the Archives, such as your ancestors, places, other people, etc.

===1 - Keep the conversation civil===
In focusing with achieving the goal of the WWII Archives, everyone must debate and speak in a peaceful, civil, and respectful manor. Even if you strongly disagree with the opposing side's point of your, you must still speak respectfully, no throwing insults its just a waste of time

===2 - Remember, history changes!===
The study of history has constantly changed. It is through this reinterpretations, new evidence, questioning of the accepted view, and more that has brought us to our interpretations today. Therefore to be a historian is to be a revisionist. If not, you're not doing history right, and we will never know the truth. The following are a list of useful pieces of advice for trying to get to what really happened.
content1= Le dix sept may mil sept cent quatre vingt à Larcequite dce.
Jacob De griselle nég<sup><u>t</u></sup> à Bord<sup><u>x</u></sup> et Greffier Garde minute de la
chancelerie près le parlement demeurant aud. bordeaux rue du
Ponte<sup><u>t</u></sup> jean parroine S<sup><u>t</u></sup> michel Nous truision sousigné -
<big>Certiffions</big> avoir signiffié à La dem<sup><u>elle</u></sup>――――――――
Bousiguee fille Majeure un arret de la cour rendü Entre
les parties le cina du Courant Collationné sallè Signé -  
Larffarque. une Commission prise lu la Chancelerie , -

==== 2-1 - We all are biased ====
Every person who has ever lived has bias.

So every record has bias too, every document, photo, video, memoir, account, chart, etc. Unless the author is an all-knowing being they portray a certain perspective and not all of them.

Even secondary sources interpreting primary ones are biased to some extent, no matter how much of an expert they are.
content1=::Ma très cher Grand'mere ,  

Therefore a consensus made could be from completely incorrect to very correct
Je voi de vôtre chere lettre à mon
Pere : que vous daignez Vous in_
former en partieculier de moi
Infiniment sensible à cette bonté,
je vous en remercie de tout mon
coeur, ma très chere Maman.
L'en récompense de cette marque
de tendresse, le bon Dieu veuille
verser son amour maternel dans
vôtre coeur susceptible de tant
d'amitié pour nous tous , et pour
moi !
De mon coté je tacherai de m'en
rendre digne de plus en plus , ne
me fiant point à la bońe opini_
on de mon cher Pere , qui dans
sa lettre me noḿe bońe enfant
content1=avec les autres, mais faisant ,
tous les éfforts possible pour y
repondre parfaitement. Secon_
dez moi , Meilleure et tendre
amie , par vos prières. Moi je
prierai le bon Dieu: Qu'il fas_
se conler vos Tours le plus Dou_
cement , qu'Il me fasse la grace d'ê_
tre trouvée digne un jour , pour
pouvoir vivre unie avec vous·
en la jouissance de tous ces pla<u>i</u>
sirs purs et Divins , dont la
vraie réligion et la vraie ver-
tu seules , nous rendent Capable ,
parque je ne puis jamais ésè
perer d'être avec vous en cè
monde. Aussi n'est il q'une scè_
ne passagere . O ! Si ma Tenue<u>s</u>
Je me permettoit d'envisager 
content1=bien l'éternité! Cependant je vous
imiterai , ma chere : et annobis_
sant mes idées et mes sentiments
sur vôtre exemple , je serai ,

None of this means everything we know is incorrect, but that the best way to get to the truth is through interpreting the sources and trying to get the closest to the truth.
::Ma très_chere grand'mere

==== 2-2 - Question things ====
The best way to find the truth is to ask yourself ''whether a claim is true?'' Upon hearing a claim, interpretation, etc, ask yourself how much of what is being depicted/said is true.

Questioning things is how we get closer to the truth and how we get around dogmas and other wrong things.
::: Vôtre

==== 2-3 - Being skeptical about sources and interpreting them ====
:::bońe fille et très_obéisante
à Moscau
While interpreting any source, especially having done questioning it is important to be critical about the sources you are reading. You need to put the source under scrutiny before you truly can begin to understand them. Before going over some of these questions, you need to understand what each type of source is.
:::::Servante ,
ce 11 de
::: Guillemine Eleonore Meyer
l'an 1777

===== Primary, secondary, and tertiary sources =====
There are three types of sources.

First there are primary sources. A primary source is a source of info that was created by a witness and/or someone involved in the event or subject you're studying. For example a primary source for an individual soldier would be letters to him and from him, photographs and film of him, a journal or diary written by him, an interview of him or of someone who he told his story to or witnessed what he did, among many other things.

A secondary source is a source that interprets and analyzes the sources (primary or secondary) about the subject it is studying. This could include books, documentaries, etc. Normally, the WWII Archives would be considered a secondary source, because a big part of it is writing interpretations of events in the articles. However it could also be a primary source, if you are citing a digitized document, photograph, etc or an interview.
content1=::::<big>R<sub>X</sub></big> le 18. 5.

Tertiary sources are not that all important, it is just an index or consolidation of primary and secondary sources that doesn't add any more interpretations or analysis. Wikipedia among other encyclopedias fall into this category. Do not think that the WWII Archives is such though.
Monsieur & Chèr Oncle

===== Context =====
J'ay l'onneur de vous ecrire , pour vous aprendre que Ma Chere
One other thing that is important to understand of any source is its context that it was written in. This corroborates with the author(s)'s /source's bias. You will be able to understand the context by asking the questions below.
femme S'accoucha Le 10<sup><u>e</u></sup> du C<sup><u>h</u></sup> entre 7 à 8 heures du soir d'un gros -
garçon , après avoir restéj trois jours & demi dans les Souffrançes , ――
sans avoir pûs dormir une minutte , ce qui L'a extrémement ―
affaiblie , mais il faut esperer qu'avec le Sècours de Dieu , & les_
soins que L'on prend ; Surtout Madame Rocaute , qu'elle Se
remèttra jusensiblement .  
Monsieur Rocaute de la Rochelle en est Le Parrain , & Ma
Chere Mere La Marainne ; Dieu Veuille qu'un jour , il puisse
donner La Satisfaction aux aux Parents qu'ils peuvent en attendre ;
& qu'il se rende digne de v're chere amitié , comme de celle de
Madame Votre Epouse; L'accouchée vous presente à L'un & à
L'autre ses respects ; à Laquelle je me joins , puisque j'ay ―
L'honneur d'etre très respectûeusement

===== Critiquing the sources with these questions =====
Monsieur & Cher Oncle
The following are the kinds of questions that you should ask when interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating any source. They are important to try and figure out what the context, bias, etc of the source in question is.

For primary sources these could be.
Bord<sup><u>x</u></sup> 12<sup><u>e</u></sup> fev<sup><u>r</u></sup> <u>1753</u>

* Who authored/created this source?
* When and where did they create/author it?
* Who was their intended audience?
* Why did they create it?
* What are their perspectives and biases?
* What are they saying?
* What is the surrounding context behind this document and person?
* What possible motives did they have?
* How does it stand up to other sources, does it contradict them?
* How did they create it?
* How authentic is this source? is it the original or faithful copy?
* How valuable is its content?

Votre tres humble & très
obeissant serviteur
:P<sup><u>re</u></sup> Alaret
content1=M<sup><u>r</u></sup> Alaret de Bord<sup><u>x</u></sup>
du 12 fevrier 1753 <big>R<sub>X</sub></big> le 18.5<sup><u>e</u></sup>

For secondary sources:

* Who authored it?
* When or where was it written?
* What is the context (good in some cases)?
* What sorts of perspectives or biases do they have? How do they try to mitigate that bias and be objective?
* Are they trying to push a certain agenda?
* What evidence do they use?
* Is their evidence contextualized and represented well?
* Is there evidence that they are leaving out?
* Are there any contradictions in their argument?
* Have anyone else, especially other researchers, scholars, and academics, said or peer reviewed their works and/or their argument?
* Does their evidence support their claim?


With these kinds of questions, instead of just taking what you hear at face value, and question what you hear or read, you will be able to get on the path to finding truth.

=== 3 - Back up your claim with good evidence, sources, and reasoning ===
Monsieur Garresché ,<big>1</big>
When you've gathered your sources, you will begin to interpret them and use them to back up your claims. You must provide reasoning as to why your or others' certain interpretation of the sources is the correct one. Make sure as well, that there aren't other sources, evidence, and arguments that contradict or go against your claims and arguments, this isn't about winning the argument, its about advancing our knowledge.
D'arbrecourt ___
::<big><u>À Marénnes</u></big>

=== 4 - Be open-minded and willing to listen and accept the other side's arguments ===
== Liste ==
In a historical debate it is always great to keep an open mind to other ideas instead of just clinging to one point of view. This is so that if a better interpretation of sources and evidence comes up on top over the other ones that you didn't believe before, it will be easier to accept them. Too often do people want for their point of view to be the truth, but its uncommon for people to actually be willing to accept that they might have been wrong.

==== Be neutral ====
=== [[:Category:Documents given to Paul Sidle by Eric Traumann July 2022]] ===
Although as mentioned you and every other human being has some sort of bias, it is important to recognize that bias and try to view things from all perspectives and to question everything.
Non transcris:

=== 5 - Be clear about your argument/message ===
* [[:File:101 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 7 Mars 1944.pdf]]
If you're going to write anything that will be backed up by evidence, you need to be clear about what you're saying and actually arguing. Read through what you've written before it is published. Make sure that you don't have contradictions or other errors as well.
* [[:File:102 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 4 Mai 1942.pdf]]
* [[:File:103 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 20 Octobre 1942.pdf]]
* [[:File:104 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 24 Février 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:105 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 1 Mars 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:106 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 3 Mars 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:107 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 18 Mars 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:108 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 30 Mars 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:109 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 2 Avril 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:110 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 21 Février 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:111 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 29 Mai 1942.pdf]]
* [[:File:112 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 10 Avril 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:113 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 28 Juillet 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:114 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 25 Févier 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:120 - Lettre de Raymond Auguste Traumann à ses parents le 26.pdf]]
* [[:File:126 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 30 Janvier.pdf]]
* [[:File:132 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 20.pdf]]
* [[:File:137 - Lettre de Raymond Auguste Traumann à ses parents le 28 Mai 1942.pdf]]
* [[:File:140 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 20.pdf]]
* [[:File:143 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 12.pdf]]
* [[:File:145 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 21.pdf]]
* [[:File:147 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 11.pdf]]
* [[:File:148 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 26.pdf]]
* [[:File:149 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 9.pdf]]
* [[:File:156 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 8 Janvier 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:158 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 18 Janvier 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:159 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 6 Février 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:160 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 27 Février 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:161 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 2 Septembre.pdf]]
* [[:File:162 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 13 Mars 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:163 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 29 Mars 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:164 - Lettre de Néna et quelqu'un autre le 9 Février 1946 et après.pdf]]
* [[:File:165 - Lettre de Jaqueline de Saint Affrique à Germaine Traumann le 15 Février 1946.pdf]]
* [[:File:166 - Lettre d'Enrique à Ernest et Germaine Traumann le 10 Février 1946.pdf]]
* [[:File:167 - Lettre d'Eugène Traichot à Ernest et Germaine Traumann le 13 Février 1946.pdf]]
* [[:File:168 - Lettre de Madeleine E Troemi à Germaine Traumann probablement Février 1946.pdf]]
* [[:File:169 - Lettre de Paul Nathan à Ernest et Germaine Traumann le 15 Février 1946.pdf]]
* [[:File:172 - Lettre de Gilley à Jacques le 4 Avril 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:170 - Lettre de Georges Baudry aux Traumann le 11 Février 1946.pdf]]
* [[:File:171 - Lettre de Néna à Jacques le 13 Février 1946.pdf]]
* [[:File:173 - Lettre de Tuna Auersperg à Germaine Traumann le 10 Mars 1946.pdf]]
* [[:File:175 - Classe de 1939 convention pour Raymond Traumann avant 3 Avril 1939.pdf]]
* [[:File:177 - Lettre de Gilley à Jacques le 21 Février 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:178 - Lettre de Gilley à Jacques le 6 Mars 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:179 - Lettre de Gilley à Jacques le 21 Mars 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:180 - Lettre de Gilley à Jacques le 15 Mars 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:181 - Lettre de Gilley à Jacques le 21 Mars 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:182 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 27.pdf]]
* [[:File:183 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 14 Février 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:184 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 26.pdf]]
* [[:File:185 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 9.pdf]]
* [[:File:188 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 24.pdf]]
* [[:File:190 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 5 Février 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:190 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 5 Février 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:191 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 25.pdf]]
* [[:File:194 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 22.pdf]]
* [[:File:195 - Lettre d'Ernest Traumann à son fils Jacques le 6 Avril 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:199 - Carte postale de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 15 Février 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:2 - Photographe d'Alaret, Tranqueville, et autres pendant la première guerre.pdf]]
* [[:File:200 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à son frère Jacques le 29.pdf]]
* [[:File:201 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à son frère Jacques le 26.pdf]]
* [[:File:202 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à son frère Jacques le 19.pdf]]
* [[:File:205 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à son frère Jacques le 12 Mars 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:206 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 8.pdf]]
* [[:File:207 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 12 Février 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:208 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 16.pdf]]
* [[:File:22 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 6 Janvier 1946.pdf]]
* [[:File:4 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques 7 Décembre 1942.pdf]]
* [[:File:5 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques 19 Décembre 1942 partie 1.pdf]]
* [[:File:6 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques 19 Décembre 1942 partie 2.pdf]]
* [[:File:61 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 25.pdf]]
* [[:File:7 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 20 Mars 1943.pdf]]

===6 - A good claim should be able to withstand going back through the sources===
When making a claim, you must make sure that it can withstand going back through the sources, evidence, and context. You must look out for contradictions and address them if they don't agree with your argument or claims.

===7 - Reach a compromise and see which argument is the best===
Non traduis:
History is not black and white, and often neither do absolutes actually work. Almost always is the true answer somewhere in the middle. You need to take the pros and cons among other things, making concessions and compromises, and taking what each side of the argument got right and try to form a new argument. People need to get out of the idea that one thing was absolutely true or wasn't true.

In doing this, the goal is to see which argument gets to the top or is the best of all of the interpretations of the sources. Unless if that argument is challenged, then the best argument has been reached.
* [[:File:1 - Lettre de Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques 18 Décembre 1942.pdf]]
* [[:File:100 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 11 Mai 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:119 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 6 Décembre.pdf]]
* [[:File:127 - Lettre de Raymond Auguste Traumann à ses parents date inconnue.pdf]]
* [[:File:135 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 5.pdf]]
* [[:File:138 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 5.pdf]]
* [[:File:141 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 8 Avril.pdf]]
* [[:File:142 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 5.pdf]]
* [[:File:144 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 25 Avril.pdf]]
* [[:File:155 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 11 Août.pdf]]
* [[:File:157 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann à son fils Jacques le 25.pdf]]
* [[:File:187 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 6.pdf]]
* [[:File:197 - Carte postale de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 6.pdf]]
* [[:File:198 - Carte postale de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 23 Janvier 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:203 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à son frère Jacques le 24.pdf]]
* [[:File:3 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques 11 Décembre 1942.pdf]]
* [[:File:92 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 22 Décembre.pdf]]
* [[:File:96 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents le 7.pdf]]
* [[:File:99 - Lettre d'Ernest Joseph Traumann à son fils Jacques le 21 Mars 1944.pdf]]

==Writing articles==
=== [[:Category:Documents given to Paul Sidle by Eric Traumann October 2021 part 1]] ===
This section deals with how articles are to be written.

===How articles should be written===

# Be objective as possible. It is important to try and be objective as possible while writing a history, although it must be recognized that every writer has biases and therefore nothing written is neutral. However, it is still important to try and be objective and to try and fit yourself into the shoes of the person being written about or the situation.
Non transcris:
# <u>'''''Write in a chronological order kind of matter'''''</u>. This is not an encyclopedia, almost everything about a subject will be written out chronologically through the Background, event, Aftermath, Legacy, etc sections of each article, and each individual part will be written out as it develops, instead of the different aspects of the subject. Conclusions/claims about a subject will be written in two different ways. The first is when you are writing about a conclusion/claim that was made in the historiography of the subject. That will go in the Aftermath or Legacy type sections. Otherwise you can make a conclusion about something neutrally after you had just described events, sources, etc.
# Write in neutral language. That is, do not use "you", "I", "me", etc unless if you are quoting something that uses those kinds of pronouns in reference to you or you and a group. Instead use things such as "He", "she", "they", "It is __ that…", "One might __ that…", etc, or just use names.

===General structure of an article===
* [[:File:10 - Lettre de Germaine Vendredi le 1er A.pdf]]
There are multiple different types of articles, but an article always follows this layout:
* [[:File:18 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:19 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:22 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:25 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:3 - Lettre d'Ernest Traumann à son fils Jacques le 15 Décembre 1942.pdf]]
* [[:File:30 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:31 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:34 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:35 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:39 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:4 - Lettre de Sainte-Affrique à Germaine le 13 Février 1946.pdf]]
* [[:File:43 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:45 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:46 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:49 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:5 - Lettre de Germaine Mardi.pdf]]
* [[:File:50 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:51 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:52 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:53 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:54 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:55 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:56 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:57 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:58 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:59 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:6 - Lettre de Germaine le 12 Mai 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:63 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:65 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:66 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:68 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:70 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:7 - Lettre de Germaine le 26 Janvier 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:69 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:71 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:73 - Carte postale de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:76 - Lettre d'Ernest Traumann à son fils Jacques le 20 Janvier 1942.pdf]]
* [[:File:75 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:74 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:74 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:78 - Lettre d'Ernest Traumann à son fils Jacques le 8 Février 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:79 - Lettre d'Ernest Traumann à son fils Jacques le 19 Février 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:81 - Lettre d'Ernest Traumann à son fils Jacques le 23 Avril 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:80 - Lettre d'Ernest Traumann à son fils Jacques le 16 Mars 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:8 - Lettre de Germaine le 24 Janvier 1943.pdf]]
* [[:File:9 - Lettre de Germaine Vendredi.pdf]]

# Summary
# Index table
# Main information template box to the right
# Article content
# Citations
# Bibliography
## Works Cited
## Other Sources (if necessary)

===Types of articles===
Non traduis:
There are eight different types of articles. Each one's content is specific to its own type of article. Each category has a category for those types of articles, and so whenever you're creating an article you must put it in one of these categories. The structure of these articles should be followed exactly as stated, unless if the editor is in a unique situation and sees something better as fit. For more broad type of articles the editor will have more of a choice to Under are a list of the different types of articles, with an explanation about each one. Under is a table listing each type of article, and each section of the article that should be used or recommended to be used in order.

# '''[[:Category:Event Articles|Event]]''' - Describing historical event
* [[:File:27 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
# '''[[:Category:Biographical Articles|Biographical]]''' - Biographies of an individual person, animal, etc
* [[:File:32 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
# '''[[:Category:Geographical Location Articles|Geographic Location]]''' - Describe geographical locations such as a town, city, ocean, mountain, country, house, specific place, etc, explain history in chronological order
* [[:File:36 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
# '''[[:Category:Group Articles|Group]]''' - Broad, about the history of a particular group. It could be a political party, a resistance, music, or ethnic group, government, organization, branch of government, business, military unit, etc.
* [[:File:47 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
# '''[[:Category:Technology Articles|Technology]]''' - Something that serves a functionality built by humans like vehicles, machines, tools, weapons, electronics, etc
# '''[[:Category:Work Articles|Work]]''' - Broad, usually includes a work of art, literature, etc. It could also be a famous scientific publication or some political manifesto. Generally if it is known enough to not just be a Multimedia Page then it deserves to be an article. Generally a Work article should be linked to one or more Multimedia Pages if possible.
# '''[[:Category:Idea Articles|Idea Articles]]''' - The last kind which is also broad. This category fits things such as political, economic, scientific, mathematical, philosophical, religious, etc theories, concepts, ideas, laws, ideologies, beliefs, etc.
# '''[[:Category:Other Articles|Other Articles]]''' - If the thing you are writing about fits into none of the categories then it could be considered another type of article or miscellaneous.

{| class="wikitable"
=== [[:Category:Documents given to Paul Sidle by Eric Traumann October 2021 part 2]] ===
!Geographic Location
|'''Background''': Context, what
happened before event
|'''Before birth''': All
these self-explanatory
|'''Background''': These
can be modified to need
|'''Prelude''': Just before the event
|'''Formation and'''
One of these
|'''Event''': Named depending on event
Choose name
|'''Aftermath''': After event
|'''After death'''
|'''Aftermath''': If group no longer
|'''Long term effects''': Optional
|'''Legacy''': Optional

===Units of Measurement===
When putting units of measurement, the metric system will always be either the only one used, or used with another system of measurement (especially imperial). For the latter case, you will have one unit being presented, with the other in conversion in parenthesis. For example, "Exactly 270 miles (434.5229 km)." Whichever way that the source or context you are dealing with presents a system of measurement, will be presented first, with the conversion presented in parenthesis. For the context, if it is a country or group that uses a particular system of measurement (such as the US, Canada, UK, etc with the Imperial system) then the measurement will be presented in Imperial first. If the context is one that uses both metric and another system (for example in a battle in Europe that involved the US against the Germans and others), then metric will be presented first in metric then in imperial.

Different systems of measurement that will be commonly used include:
Non transcris:

* Distance and length
* [[:File:100 - Lettre de Germaine Traumann.pdf]]
* Mass
* [[:File:101 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* Time
* [[:File:102 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* Temperature
* [[:File:104 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:105 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:108 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:109 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:113 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:122 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:126 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:127 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:131 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:133 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:137 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:138 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:139 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:14 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:140 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:142 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:143 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:145 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:15 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:151 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:152 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:30 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:31 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:32 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:33 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:34 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:36 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:47 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:48 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:49 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:50 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:52 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:55 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:57 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:57 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:59 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:63 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:66 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:67 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:75 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:76 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:92 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:93 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:94 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:98 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:99 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:153 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:16 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:21 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:26 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann à ses parents 18 Avril 1945.pdf]]
* [[:File:27 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:28 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:29 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]

When dealing with time, the same applies as with the metric vs other systems of measurement. This time the 24-hour clock (whether its military or non-military using the : or not) in place of metric and 12-hour clock in place of the imperial system.<!--Try implementing indicating timezones later. Man this is gonna be hard to figure out-->Other systems of measurement for scientific purposes can also be used.

===Using the conditional perfect conjugation===
On the WWII Archives, the conditional perfect conjugation (would have + simple past tense verb, such as would have had, would have wanted, would have walked), as well as the conditional perfect continuous (would have been + simple past) serves almost a second purpose other than its normal use. On the Archives it is also used to indicate something that can be guessed to be true, but no source has ever directly/specifically said it. For example, if you are writing about an individual soldier who arrived to a snowy front, and you know his unit began wearing winter clothes after arriving, then you would say "After getting off the train, he would have been given winter clothing, which his unit was given." Because the sources never directly say that he in particular got winter clothing, you have to use one of those conjugations. You can also use words to indicate possibility, such as "probably", "possibly", "likely", "unlikely", etc.  Of course you will need to cite evidence as to why you think this is, so almost always will it be citing a section of another article. See the sections below.

===Sources, citing, quoting, and linking===
Non traduis:
This section described how to cite, quote, and link.

* [[:File:103 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
In order to cite a source, you must click on the "Cite" option in the toolbar which will give you a list of options. You will then have to add a new template (the cite templates always start with the word "cite"). When citing any source that has a url, you must always archive that url in an archiving website such as The archived url will then be added to the "archive" field in the citation options.
* [[:File:124 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:125 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:129 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:130 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:132 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:38 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:51 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:64 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:7 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:70 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:72 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:73 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:91 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:95 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:96 - Lettre de la famille Traumann.pdf]]

=====Citing claims made by others and ones only made users on the Archives' Discussion Pages=====
=== [[:Category:Packet of papers for research done by Monique Traumann given to Paul Sidle by Eric Traumann July 2022]] ===
Generally if there has been someone, some researcher, historian, scholar, academic, genealogist, etc that has made a claim about something somewhere, and is accepted, it should be the thing that is cited along with the sections later in the article or in other articles (see the next section) that produce the evidence to back up that claim. If someone else had already produced a claim and the evidence to support that claim before you or others did, then they should be the ones given credit for it.
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However at some point (usually coming up when writing about small subjects), there will be times when only someone or some people on the WWII Archives Discussion Pages have made a certain argument, claim, or point that you’d like to cite, that hasn't been made anywhere else. In this instance it is best to use neutral language when referring to them, but it is possible to use names as well. Otherwise if there isn’t any person that has made an argument or claim that you are making, it isn’t necessary to put it all down in the Discussion Page if it is a small subject. However if it is a larger or broader subject it is suggested that you do put your claim down in the Discussion Page (on something like a larger battle, war, a large unit, theatre of war, leader, etc).
* [[:File:108 - Lettre inconnue.pdf]]
* [[:File:114 - Papier inconnu.pdf]]
* [[:File:115 - Carte postale de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:116 - Carte postale de Raymond Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:36 - Coupure de Journal d'Auction Musicale d'Elisabeth Lajule.pdf]]
* [[:File:55 - Enveloppe pour les souvenirs des images de communion.pdf]]
* [[:File:87 - Papier d'Amicale des A.C. F.F.I.pdf]]
* [[:File:88 - Papier d'Amicale des A.C. F.F.I.pdf]]
* [[:File:91 - Télégramme Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:92 - Télégramme Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:94 - Lettre de Raymond Traumann le 7 Août.pdf]]

=====Citing other articles=====
At first to the reader this may sound like a bad idea, "why would you cite yourself?" In truth, un a fundamental level, this isn't a site like Wikipedia. Each article is written by one or multiple users using multiple sources, therefore it isn't something "citing itself". The reason why we are actively encouraging the citing of other articles, other sections of articles, and other sections of the same article, is because it serves as making articles more organized, the process of writing articles more efficient, and access to the full list of detailed evidence and explanations more accessible and easier to find.

It would be less efficient to try to find external secondary and primary sources to back up a claim, when that has already been done on the Archives which goes into a lot more detail and has even more evidence. For example, if you were writing an article about a soldier, and you didn't have many sources about his experiences, and you have the article about his unit making claims about the general experiences of the unit in a battle, you could just cite the section of his unit's article to make a claim he went through the same experience. That would be a lot easier than having to recite the same evidence the unit's article already did which also goes into much more detail that the soldier's article will. It will be easier to also verify and check the data, claims, and evidence that is used/made.
[[:Category:Documents given to Eric Traumann's daughter]]

This is why it is also great with data as well. If you knew the exact casualties of each company of a division during a battle, you can just cite from the division's article all the way through the battalions, regiments, etc down to the articles of each company that explain exactly who died and how in each company. That way anyone will be able to verify the statistics claims made in the article of the division.
Non transcris:

A general rule of thumb is that the broader subject articles, the more they'll link to articles on smaller subjects that provide the most details about that subject. However this ultimately depends on the situation, and the editors must decide what they cite for what claim.
* [[:File:61 - Coupure d'un journal du décès de Micheline Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:62 - Coupure d'un journal du décès de Paul Edouard Clément Lajule.pdf]]
* [[:File:63 - Coupure d'un journal du décès de Micheline Lajule.pdf]]
* [[:File:7 - Photographe du bombardement du Havre.pdf]]
* [[:File:75 - Pompe Funèbres Officiels de Lajule.pdf]]
* [[:File:72 - Carte postale de Paul Jean Lajule.pdf]]
* [[:File:79 - Lettre de Paul Edouard Clément Lajule.pdf]]
* [[:File:80 - Lettre de Paul Edouard Clément Lajule.pdf]]
* [[:File:81 - Lettre de Paul Edouard Clément Lajule.pdf]]
* [[:File:82 - Lettre de Paul Edouard Clément Lajule.pdf]]
* [[:File:83 - Carte de la mariage des Lajule 1890.pdf]]
* [[:File:98 - Carte d'access de Paul Edouard Clément Lajule.pdf]]
* [[:File:99 - Carte d'access de Paul Edouard Clément Lajule.pdf]]
* [[:File:Carte postale de Delanes Rouihenbach à madame V G Malandain le 4 Avril 1944.pdf]]
* [[:File:Document d'une citation pour une medaille pour Raymond Auguste Traumann.pdf]]
* [[:File:Lettre de Germaine Traumann le 23 Mars.pdf]]
* [[:File:Lettre de Germaine Traumann le 12 Mai.pdf]]
* [[:File:Laissez-Passer-Ouest de Raymond Auguste Traumann du 28 Juillet 1941.pdf]]
* [[:File:Liste des concurrents de l'Histoire de Géographie de l'Institution Saint-Joseph du Havre le 5 Mars 1931.pdf]]

One of the main purposes of linking on the WWII Archives is linking to other articles. Any type of subject can range from any of the types of articles. This includes Geographic Location, an individual you mention (biographical), an idea, technology, event, etc. If there is a topic or subject that you mention, it should be linked to some sort of article on the Archives. The general rule of thumb is that the first time that thing is mentioned on the Summary section, or the first time mentioned in the Content part of the article, is when you link to that article. Notice how for both the Summary and the Content parts of the article, they're different. So if you mention WWII for the first time in the Summary, and link to the main article on WWII, then you will have to do it again if you first mention it in the content part. After that, for both sections, you won't have to link to those articles again.

There are two ways of linking. In both ways you click on the link button in the toolbar. The first is linking to an article on the Archives. You can either search for the article, or paste in the url (especially if it is a Multimedia or something else, although usually for those you'd cite them). The other is to link to an external site if needed.
Non traduis:

* [[:File:Télégrame de Raymond Traumann au Bureau Commandment Recrutements Rouen 8 Juin 1940.pdf]]
When quoting something, you only quote the following:
* Quote someone saying something, or a short message
* Quote a document, letter, message, speech, something written, etc
For the first situation, you will use the "Block Quote" option in the dropdown menu on the left side of the toolbar. Every time someone speaks, it will be put in block quote. If you are quoting someone saying something in a foreign language, then you will put whatever was said in the original language, then press return, and then provide the translation.
For the second option, you will click on the "Insert" dropdown, then "Template". If you are quoting something in English, then you will search for the "Doc_quote_single_lang", to which then a template with an input field to type out what the document says will be given. Generally the text of a document should already be written on its Multimedia page, and you should just be able to copy it from there.Then there is the time when you have writing in a foreign language. In this case the template that you will be searching for is called "Doc_quote_multi_lang". For both the first and second templates, the first text box is the "content1" field. Then for the second template, it is "content2". Unfortunately you cannot use the toolbar from the editor and so will have to use sets of symbols and other html tags to format the text. These include:
* : - indentation (the tab button)
* <nowiki><b></b></nowiki> - '''Bold'''
* <nowiki><i></i></nowiki> - ''Italic''
* <nowiki><sup></sup></nowiki> - <sup>Superscript</sup>
* <nowiki><sub></sub></nowiki> - <sub>Subscript</sub>
* <nowiki><u></u></nowiki> - <u>Underline</u>
* <nowiki><s></s></nowiki> - <s>Strikethrough</s>
There are other tags that you could find and use if you need. Finally you can combine the tags (put one set into another) to form a combination, like "<nowiki><b><s>Hello</s></nowiki><nowiki></b></nowiki>" for '''<s>Hello</s>'''.
Another thing about quoting is the use of specific characters. If in a text a specific character is uesd, it should be represented as such. If in the case where you have someone who writes their i's without the dot like this: ı, then you have the choice to write either way, such as "lıfted", or "lifted".
==Submitting articles==
To submit a new article or an edit, you must click on the "Save changes..." or "Save page..." button, which will bring a pop-up. This will include a text box where you can detail the edits you have made. If you are saving changes to an edit, this will include an option in the pop-up to indicate that this edit was a "Minor edit". A minor edit is an edit that doesn’t really change the debate of the subject, such as a grammatical or spelling error, or in some cases rewording something (where it doesn’t change the meaning but makes more sense). However if a change becomes long enough it should not count as a minor edit.
<div style="background:#4a5e1b; padding: 5px; border:1px solid #4a5e1b; border-radius:6px; color:#000; width: 270px; float: right;">
<div style="background:#fff8ef; height:520px;">[[File:Main Page Categories Image.png|x270px|center|class=nomobile|link=]]
<div style="background:#4a5e1b; text-align:center; color:#FFF; font-weight:bold; font-size: 14px;">Category Navigation</div><div style="padding: 2px 4px; text-align:left;">
*[[Special:CategoryTree|Category Tree]]
*[[:Category:Biographical_Articles|Biographical Articles]]
*[[:Category:Event_Articles|Event Articles]]
*[[:Category:Geographical_Location Articles|Geographical Location Articles]]
*[[:Category:Group_Articles|Group Articles]]
*[[:Category:Technology_Articles|Technology Articles]]
*[[:Category:Work_Articles|Work Articles]]
*[[:Category:Idea_Articles|Idea Articles]]
*[[:Category:Other_Articles|Other Articles]]

Latest revision as of 08:14, 16 July 2024

Lettres de Mr de Lavie
fils du Président de Lavie
envoyé à St Petersbourg par le
Roy de France en 1713 —
comme " Protecteur du commerce de
la Nation Française "
Mr de Lavie était marié avec Melle Francoise Rocaute
fille du 2e1er mariage
La fille de Mme de Lavie etait Mme Lambert

Le dix sept may mil sept cent quatre vingt à Larcequite dce.
Jacob De griselle négt à Bordx et Greffier Garde minute de la
chancelerie près le parlement demeurant aud. bordeaux rue du
Pontet jean parroine St michel Nous truision sousigné -
Certiffions avoir signiffié à La demelle――――――――
Bousiguee fille Majeure un arret de la cour rendü Entre
les parties le cina du Courant Collationné sallè Signé -
Larffarque. une Commission prise lu la Chancelerie , -

Ma très cher Grand'mere ,

Je voi de vôtre chere lettre à mon
Pere : que vous daignez Vous in_
former en partieculier de moi
Infiniment sensible à cette bonté,
je vous en remercie de tout mon
coeur, ma très chere Maman.
L'en récompense de cette marque
de tendresse, le bon Dieu veuille
verser son amour maternel dans
vôtre coeur susceptible de tant
d'amitié pour nous tous , et pour
moi !
De mon coté je tacherai de m'en
rendre digne de plus en plus , ne
me fiant point à la bońe opini_
on de mon cher Pere , qui dans
sa lettre me noḿe bońe enfant

avec les autres, mais faisant ,
tous les éfforts possible pour y
repondre parfaitement. Secon_
dez moi , Meilleure et tendre
amie , par vos prières. Moi je
prierai le bon Dieu: Qu'il fas_
se conler vos Tours le plus Dou_
cement , qu'Il me fasse la grace d'ê_
tre trouvée digne un jour , pour
pouvoir vivre unie avec vous·
en la jouissance de tous ces plai
sirs purs et Divins , dont la
vraie réligion et la vraie ver-
tu seules , nous rendent Capable ,
parque je ne puis jamais ésè
perer d'être avec vous en cè
monde. Aussi n'est il q'une scè_
ne passagere . O ! Si ma Tenues
Je me permettoit d'envisager

bien l'éternité! Cependant je vous
imiterai , ma chere : et annobis_
sant mes idées et mes sentiments
sur vôtre exemple , je serai ,

Ma très_chere grand'mere


bońe fille et très_obéisante
à Moscau
Servante ,
ce 11 de
Guillemine Eleonore Meyer
l'an 1777

RX le 18. 5.

Monsieur & Chèr Oncle

J'ay l'onneur de vous ecrire , pour vous aprendre que Ma Chere
femme S'accoucha Le 10e du Ch entre 7 à 8 heures du soir d'un gros -
garçon , après avoir restéj trois jours & demi dans les Souffrançes , ――
sans avoir pûs dormir une minutte , ce qui L'a extrémement ―
affaiblie , mais il faut esperer qu'avec le Sècours de Dieu , & les_
soins que L'on prend ; Surtout Madame Rocaute , qu'elle Se
remèttra jusensiblement .
Monsieur Rocaute de la Rochelle en est Le Parrain , & Ma
Chere Mere La Marainne ; Dieu Veuille qu'un jour , il puisse
donner La Satisfaction aux aux Parents qu'ils peuvent en attendre ;
& qu'il se rende digne de v're chere amitié , comme de celle de
Madame Votre Epouse; L'accouchée vous presente à L'un & à
L'autre ses respects ; à Laquelle je me joins , puisque j'ay ―
L'honneur d'etre très respectûeusement

Monsieur & Cher Oncle

Bordx 12e fevr 1753

Votre tres humble & très
obeissant serviteur
Pre Alaret

Mr Alaret de Bordx
du 12 fevrier 1753 RX le 18.5e


Monsieur Garresché ,1
D'arbrecourt ___
À Marénnes


Category:Documents given to Paul Sidle by Eric Traumann July 2022

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Category:Documents given to Paul Sidle by Eric Traumann October 2021 part 1

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Category:Documents given to Paul Sidle by Eric Traumann October 2021 part 2

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Category:Packet of papers for research done by Monique Traumann given to Paul Sidle by Eric Traumann July 2022

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Category:Documents given to Eric Traumann's daughter

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