Marine Fighter Squadron 441 (United States): Difference between revisions

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=== 23 June 1943 - Joe McPhail has to land in the water ===
=== 23 June 1943 - Joe McPhail has to land in the water ===
A division of airplanes reported themselves lost while on a training flight. All of them were given bearings and all returned safely save for one. The plane made an emergency water [[landing]] because it was low on gas, and the plane was destroyed. The pilot was rescued by a PT boat uninjured<ref name=":1" />.  
A division of airplanes, one of which included [[Joe McPhail]] and his plane, took off on a training mission in which one or multiple planes would be towing a banner for someone to fire upon. The plane(s) towing would have to lighten their load by dropping the reserve fuel tanks to get the sleet in the air. This time McPhail was one of the ones towing the banner for someone to shoot. His was fired upon during the flight. 
While on the training flight the division reported themselves lost. The planes missed the big island of Funafuti, but were able to get in touch with radar when 80 miles past it. The division were given bearings, and knew that McPhail didn't have enough fuel and started sending out planes to search for him. The division headed back towards the island and when they got 20 miles close McPhail ran out and had to begin making an emergency [[landing]]
The water below was terrible with the rough weather, creating 15 ft, though warm, waves. McPhail's plane stalled out and hit a wave. With his shoulder harness tight his nose hit the gunsight and he couldn't breathe. Unlocking everything, McPhail jumped into the water inflating his Mae West. When the plane hit the water a one-man life raft automatically came out behind the pilot and inflated. It was attached to the plane by a string and so when the unrecoverable plane sank within 45 seconds of hitting the water, it flipped the raft, loosing the fishhooks, paddles, and everything else. Despite this, McPhail was able to get into the raft. 
For an hour and a half, with the planes going in and refueling, came out and searched for McPhail but couldn't see him. McPhail finally put a dye marker in the water each time a plane passed, but due to the fact that his raft was small and the waves created a current that would turn the dye into a little green strip in the vast ocean.
McPhail was in the ocean for 3 hours, until which at some point one or multiple planes spotted him and pointed him out to a PT boat. The PT boat was able to eventually find him and, despite him having a hard time getting in, was rescued uninjured<ref name=":1" /><ref>{{Cite web |title=Joe McPhail - 23 June 1943 - Joe crashes into the sea |url= |access-date=4 March 2024}}</ref>.  

=== 30 June 1943 - Missions to Nukufetau island ===
=== 30 June 1943 - Missions to Nukufetau island ===

Revision as of 20:28, 4 March 2024

Marine Fighter Squadron 441 (Abbreviated as VMF-441) was a Marine Fighter Squadron in the United States Marine Corps during the Second World War

Joe McPhail was one of the members of this squadron

Formation and history

1 October 1942 - Organization

On 1 October 1942 Marine Fighter Squadron 441 (VMF-441) was organized on Samoa. Major Daniel Wellington Torrey Jr as the CO and Captain Walter J Meyer as Executive Officer. At the time, the total roster of the unit was 20 officers, 1 Marine gunner, and 98 enlisted men who were equiped with F4F-3 as well as a SNJ trainer plane[1].

4 December 1942 - Meyer assumes command of the squadron

On 4 December, Captain Meyer assumed command of the whole squadron[1].

26 January 1943 - 441 gives some F4Fs to 111

On 26 January of the new year, 7 F4F-3 Wildcats were transferred from 441 to VMF-111and18 F4F-4s (called F4F4s) were received in return. 9 pilots and 139 enlisted men joined the squadron[1].

4 March 1943 - Lt Tegrat is killed

During a training hop, Second Lieutenant Robert Leland Tegart was killed along with the F4F-4 being destroyed[1].

18 March 1943 - 7 pilots transferred from squadron

On 18 March 7 pilots were transferred from 441 to the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. 7 inexperienced pilots joined in their place in the squadron. A flight training schedule started immediately that day[1].

22 March 1943 - Men transferred to Funafuti

6 enlisted men, 6 pilots, and 6 F4F-4s were transferred to Funafuti for detached duty[1].

27 March 1943 - Interception of 2 Japanese planes

On 27 March Captain William P Boland and 2nd Lt Ralph H Spanjer were sent out to intercept reported Japanese planes. They were able to make contact with 4 Japanese planes 20 miles out of where they took off. Cpt Boland shot down one plane and damaged another. Unfortunately Spanjer's guns jammed on his first run, so didn't do damage. When they reached the contact point the Japanese bombers turned to which Boland chased them until his ammunition was expended. The two pilots returned safely to base[1].

15 April 1943 - More enlisted men go to Funafuti

On 15 April 9 enlisted men and 6 F4F-4s were transferred to Funafuti on detach duty[1].

16 April 1943 - 3 pilots return from Funafuti

The following day 3 pilots returned from Funafuti[2].

22 April 1943 - Funafuti bombed

Funafuti was alerted of incoming enemy planes, and the airfield was bombarded by 9 enemy planes. Every one of the planes received minor damage, with one being destroyed. No one suffered injuries[2].

23 April 1943 - Funafuti warned again

The next day, Funafuti was alerted again of reported Japanese planes. All of the airfield's planes were in the air within 15 minutes, although no contact was established, despite the Japanese planes coming within 85 miles of the airfield[2].

31 May 1943 - The rest of 441 transferred to Funafuti

Finally the rest of the squadron was transferred to Funafuti on detach duty[2].

4 June 1943 - 8 planes intercept Japanese planes

On 4 June, 8 planes scrambled off the airfield to intercept reported enemy planes. Despite the Japanese planes coming within 85 miles of the airfield, but the squadron made no contact with them.

Unfortunately, while on the operational search, 1st Lt. George C. Westerlind was killed along with an F4F-4 being destroyed[2].

23 June 1943 - Joe McPhail has to land in the water

A division of airplanes, one of which included Joe McPhail and his plane, took off on a training mission in which one or multiple planes would be towing a banner for someone to fire upon. The plane(s) towing would have to lighten their load by dropping the reserve fuel tanks to get the sleet in the air. This time McPhail was one of the ones towing the banner for someone to shoot. His was fired upon during the flight.

While on the training flight the division reported themselves lost. The planes missed the big island of Funafuti, but were able to get in touch with radar when 80 miles past it. The division were given bearings, and knew that McPhail didn't have enough fuel and started sending out planes to search for him. The division headed back towards the island and when they got 20 miles close McPhail ran out and had to begin making an emergency landing.

The water below was terrible with the rough weather, creating 15 ft, though warm, waves. McPhail's plane stalled out and hit a wave. With his shoulder harness tight his nose hit the gunsight and he couldn't breathe. Unlocking everything, McPhail jumped into the water inflating his Mae West. When the plane hit the water a one-man life raft automatically came out behind the pilot and inflated. It was attached to the plane by a string and so when the unrecoverable plane sank within 45 seconds of hitting the water, it flipped the raft, loosing the fishhooks, paddles, and everything else. Despite this, McPhail was able to get into the raft.

For an hour and a half, with the planes going in and refueling, came out and searched for McPhail but couldn't see him. McPhail finally put a dye marker in the water each time a plane passed, but due to the fact that his raft was small and the waves created a current that would turn the dye into a little green strip in the vast ocean.

McPhail was in the ocean for 3 hours, until which at some point one or multiple planes spotted him and pointed him out to a PT boat. The PT boat was able to eventually find him and, despite him having a hard time getting in, was rescued uninjured[2][3].

30 June 1943 - Missions to Nukufetau island

4 planes were sent on a special mission to Nukufetau (Nukufeteu) to try and intercept reported Japanese aircraft. They weren't able to bring a result and they returned to base safely[2].

3 July 1943 - Another 8 plane search to intercept

Some unidentified planes were reported to be 90 miles from base. 8 planes went on search but made no contact and the target retired[2].

4 July 1943 - 4th of July search

On the 4th of July, Unidentified planes were reported 125 miles from the base. 8 planes were sent on search but made no contact as the target retired[2].

5 July 1943 - 4 search groups sent out

On this day 4 searches each consisting of 3 planes were sent on different intervals to intercept reported Japanese planes. They returned with negative results[4].

21 July 1943 - Bombed again

On 21 July enemy planes were reported 125 miles away. They eventually reached Funafuti and it turned out that these planes came in 4 waves of 3 Japanese planes each bombing the airfield. They only caused damage to 2 F4F-4s, and no injury to anyone. Fighters did take off but made no contact[4].

28 July 1943 - Searching for 2 Army B-24s

On this day a search was sent within a 50 mile radius of Funafuti for 2 Army B-24s that crashed into the sea during night flying operations. Despite their efforts, the 2 planes weren't found[4].

8 August 1943 - Boland shoots down a Nell

Cpt Boland and 1st Lt Samuel G. Middleman spotted a Japanese plane, a Type 96 Nell while flying Combat Air Patrol over Nui. Boland shot the plane down, and none of the American planes were damaged[4].

15 August 1943 - PV-1 followed by 4 Japanese planes

On 15 August, a PV-1 reported that it was being followed by 4 Japanese planes southeast of Nanumea (Nanomea). Patrols were then sent out but no contact was made[4].

27 August 1943 - New FM-1s arrive today

On 27 August 8 FM-1s were received by 441 bringing the total to 8 FM-1s and 19 F4F-4s for the whole squadron[4].

29 August 1943 - 7 new pilots and 2 relieved

On 29 August 7 pilots were assigned to 441 and 2 relieved from duty, going to duty on the West Coast[4].

3 September 1943 - Lt. Souther dies from structural weakness in FM-1

On 3 September 1st Lt. David G Souther was killed in the FM-1 he was flying developed a structural weakness and one of the wings came off in a dive[4].

8 September 1943 - Lt. Lemly bails and is searched for

On 8 September 1st Lt. Foster L. Lemly II bailed out of an F4F-4 5,000ft of altitude and landed in the ocean. The plane was destroyed as it would have crashed into the sea. A search was sent out for him but couldn't find him[4].

13 September 1943 - 3 waves of Japanese planes bomb Funafuti

On 13 September 3 waves of Japanese planes containing 3 planes each bombed Funafuti causing no damage to equipment or planes, nor were there any personnel injuries[5].

28 September 1943 - Squadron is transferred to Nanumea

On 28 September 441 squadron and their equipment were transferred to the island of Nanumea (spelled by them as Nanomea). While landing operations were under way a weightes container containing the records and intelligence material of the squadron fell into the water and so was lost[5].

10 October 1943 - Major Moore assumes command of 441

On 10 October Major James B. Moore assumed command of 441[5].

19 October 1943 - 4 pilots report to the squadron

On 19 October 4 pilots report for duty with the squadron[5].

3 November 1943 - 9 new pilots and 3 detached to West Coast

On this day 9 pilots reported for duty for 441 and 3 detached for duty on the West Coast[5].

5 November 1943 - A plane ground loops

On 5 November one plane ground looped upon take off and so was destroyed, fortunately no injuries to the pilot[5].

6 November 1943 - Another plane ground loops

The very next day another plane ground loops on take off, leading it to be destroyed, upon take off without injuries[5].

7 November 1943 - One more plane ground loops

Again the next day a plane ground loops on take off, though it only received minor damage, no injuries to the pilot[5].

8 November 1943 - 2 planes ground loop

This time on 8 November 2 planes ground loop on take off both receiving minor damage. Neither pilot received injury[5].

10 November 1943 - Search for contact and island bombed

On 10 November an alert was sounded with 2 planes being sent out to intercept an enemy plane, though didn't establish contact. The same day Nanumea was bombed by 3 Japanese planes causing little damage to equipment with no injuries[5].

22 November 1943 - Flying cover for USS Independence

On 22 November planes from 441 took off and flew over CV Independence for cover[6].

25 November 1943 - Officers and enlisted sent to Tafuna as advanced detail

On this day 11 officers and 30 enlisted men transferred to Tafuna as the advanced detail[6].

30 November 1943 - 441 relieved from Nanumea, transferred to Tafuna

A US Army fighter squadron arrive to the base 441 was on to relieve them. 17 pilots and planes of the squadron then were transferred from Nanumea to Funafuti on the first leg of transfer to Tafuna[6].

2 December 1943 - 2 more planes and pilots transferred from Nanumea to Funafuti, 10 new pilots and 39 enlisted reported

2 pilots and planes on this day were transferred from Nanomea to Funafuti as the 2nd echelon of transfer to Tafuna. 10 pilots and 39 enlisted reported for duty with 441 squadron[6].

6 December 1943 - Rest of squadron goes from Nanumea to Tafuna

Finally the main body of 441 left Nanumea for Tafuna on an LST on 6 December. 4 pilots detached from 441 for duty on the West Coast[6].

11 December 1943 - Completion of transfer to Tafuna

Squadron transfer from Nanumea to Tafuna completed on 11 December[6].

27 December 1943 - Wildcats and FM-1s replaced with Corsairs

14 F4F-4s and 4 FM-1s transferred from 441 squadron in return of 17 F4U-1 Corsairs. Now the total planes in this squadron was 17 F4U-1s and 1 SNJ trainer[6].

1 January 1944 - 441 gets transferred from MAG 13 to MAG 31

On the first day of the new year of 1944, as per Auth. SECRET MAILGRAM #281720 fr CG, 4th.MBDAW, the designation of Marine Fighting Squadron 441 of Marine Aircraft Group 13 to Marine Aircraft Group 31 effective the date of 1 January[6].

12 January 1944 - Loosing Lt. Seright at sea

On 12 January 2nd Lt. Elwyn H. Seright was on a routine flight but lost course south of Samoa and landed his plane at sea. A search was sent out but didn't end up finding him[6].

13 January 1944 - Search for Seright continues

On 13 January the search for Lt Seright continued, unfortunately unable to find him[7].

11 February 1944 - Landing at Roi

On 11 February there was a landing at Roi island effected and working on disembarkation carried out[7].

12 February 1944 - Roi bombed by Japanese

On 12 February Roi was bombed by Japanese aircraft 2 officers and 53 enlisted men were injured necessitating evacuation of both officers and 3 enlisted men. The raid also caused significant personnel gear and much of the supplies of 441 to be lost[7].

8 March 1944 - Major and pilots arrive from Wallis island

On 8 March planes and pilots of the squadron were left standing by as air echelon at Wallis island arrived at Roi after having landed at Funafuti, Nanumea, Tarawa, and Makin.

That same day Major Grant W. Metzger and 2 pilots reported for duty with the squadron[7].

9 March 1944 - Overhauling of aircraft began

The next day the overhauling of the aircraft for the squadron began[7].

11 March 1944 - Overhauling completed

2 days later on 11 March the overhauling of their aircraft was complete and routine flying operations started[7].

19 March 1944 - Officer evacuated from wounds of 12 February raid

On 19 March, one officer was evacuated due to the results of the Japanese air raid on 12 February, and rejoined his squadron from the Hawaiian Area.

It isn't specified why he waited until about a month later. Maybe the wounds weren't bad in the beginning but became serious later on. This seems the likely option. In any case it isn't known exactly who it was[7].

21 March 1944 - 4 pilots report for duty

2 days later on 21 March 4 pilots report for duty with the squadron[7].

23 March 1944 - Another pilot reports for duty

On 23 March another pilot reports for duty with the squadron[7].

25 March 1944 - Strafing attack by 441 on Ormed island

On this day 16 F4U-1s of 441 squadron carried out strafing attacks on Ormed island[7].

26 March 1944 - 16 Corsairs conduct strafing on Wotje and Uwe islands

Next day, 16 Corsairs carried out a strafing attack on Wotje and Uwe islands.

During the mission Cpt. Lynn E. Midkiff was forced to bail west of Erikub Atoll while en route back to Roi due to damage to his plane by Japanese Anti Aircraft fire. His Corsair was destroyed but Midkiff survived and was picked up by a destroyer operating in the area[7].

27 March 1944 - 3 pilots detach from squadron for West Coast

On 27 March 3 unnamed pilots detach from the squadron and headed for duty on the West Coast[8].

28 March 1944 - 16 Corsairs strafe Wotje

16 F4U-1 Corsairs of 441 carried out more strafing on Wotje[8].

31 March 1944 - 16 Corsairs again strafe Wotje

16 F4U-1 Corsairs of 441 again carried out more strafing on Wotje. The same day 9 pilots reported for duty with 441[8].


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 "VMF-441 - War History". National Archives and Records Administration. 6 January 1945. p. 4. Retrieved 4 March 2024.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 "VMF-441 - War History". National Archives and Records Administration. 6 January 1945. p. 5. Retrieved 4 March 2024.
  3. "Joe McPhail - 23 June 1943 - Joe crashes into the sea". Retrieved 4 March 2024.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 "VMF-441 - War History". National Archives and Records Administration. 6 January 1945. p. 6. Retrieved 4 March 2024.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 "VMF-441 - War History". National Archives and Records Administration. 6 January 1945. p. 7. Retrieved 4 March 2024.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 "VMF-441 - War History". National Archives and Records Administration. 6 January 1945. p. 8. Retrieved 4 March 2024.
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 "VMF-441 - War History". National Archives and Records Administration. 6 January 1945. p. 9. Retrieved 4 March 2024.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 "VMF-441 - War History". National Archives and Records Administration. 6 January 1945. p. 10. Retrieved 4 March 2024.


Contributors: Paul Sidle