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From WWII Archives

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Operation Neptune is the codename given to the operation for the landing of Allied soldiers on Normand beaches as part of Operation Overlord.
Operation Neptune is the codename given to the operation for the landing of Allied soldiers on Normand beaches as part of Operation Overlord.

Revision as of 00:19, 14 November 2022

Operation Neptune is the codename given to the operation for the landing of Allied soldiers on Normand beaches as part of Operation Overlord.

At 16:55, Adolf Hitler issued an order to Seventh Army headquarters. The order went as follows[1]:

16:55 hours. June 6, 1944
Chief of Staff Western Command emphasized the desire of the Supreme
Command to have the enemy in the bridgehead annihilated by the evening of
June 6 since there exists the danger of additional sea- and airborne landings
for support . . . The bridgehead must be cleaned up by not later than tonight.

7 June

  1. William Shirer, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p.1038, https://archive.org/details/risefallofthirdr50edshir_k3e0/page/1038/mode/2up

Contributors: Paul Sidle