Template:Infobox Oklahoma legislation/doc: Difference between revisions

From WWII Archives

m (1 revision imported)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 20:09, 19 March 2023

Seal of Oklahoma
Full title{{{fullname}}}
Acronym / colloquial name{{{acronym}}}
Enacted by the[[{{{enacted by}}} Oklahoma Legislature]]
Effective{{{effective date}}}
State Law[{{{state law url}}} {{{cite state law}}}]
Act(s) amended{{{acts amended}}}
Titles amended{{{title amended}}}
Oklahoma Code sections created{{{sections created}}}
Oklahoma Code sections amended{{{sections amended}}}
[{{{leghisturl}}} Legislative history]
  • Introduced in the {{{introducedin}}} as {{{introducedbill}}} by {{{introducedby}}} on {{{introduceddate}}}
  • Committee consideration by {{{committees}}}
  • Passed the {{{passedbody1}}} on {{{passeddate1}}} ({{{passedvote1}}})
  • Passed the {{{passedbody2}}} on {{{passeddate2}}} ({{{passedvote2}}})
  • Reported by the joint conference committee on {{{conferencedate}}}; agreed to by the {{{passedbody3}}} on {{{passeddate3}}} ({{{passedvote3}}}) and by the {{{passedbody4}}} on {{{passeddate4}}} ({{{passedvote4}}})
  • Signed into law by Governor {{{signedgovernor}}} on {{{signeddate}}}
Major amendments


{{Infobox Oklahoma legislation
| name             = 
| fullname         = 
| acronym          = 
| enacted by       = 
| effective date   = 
| purpose          = 
| state law url    = 
| cite state law   = 
| acts amended     = 
| title amended    = 
| sections created = 
| sections amended = 
| leghisturl       = 
| introducedin     = 
| introducedbill   = 
| introducedby     = 
| introduceddate   = 
| committees       = 
| passedbody1      = 
| passeddate1      = 
| passedvote1      = 
| passedbody2      = 
| passeddate2      = 
| passedvote2      = 
| passedbody3      = 
| conferencedate   = 
| passeddate3      = 
| passedvote3      = 
| passedbody4      = 
| passeddate4      = 
| passedvote4      = 
| signedgovernor   = 
| signeddate       = 
| amendments       = 

See also