Marthe Elisabeth Germaine Alaret: Difference between revisions

From WWII Archives

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== Bibliography ==
== Bibliography ==
{{Cite web |date=1882 |title=Registre des actes de naissance de Bordeaux, section 1, 1882 - 1882 |url= |access-date=14 December 2022 |website=Archives Bordeaux Métropole}}
{{Cite web |date=1882 |title=Registre des actes de naissance de Bordeaux, section 1, 1882 - 1882 |url= |access-date=14 December 2022 |website=Archives Bordeaux Métropole}}
[[Category:Biographical Articles]]

Revision as of 01:57, 16 August 2023

Marthe Elisabeth Germaine Alaret
Born31 January 1882
SpouseErnest Joseph Traumann

Marthe Elisabeth Germain Alaret, commonly refered and personally used as just Germaine Alaret, was a French woman who was born in Bordeaux. She would then go on to marry Ernest Joseph Traumann.

Before birth

Approx. April 1881

Around April 1881, Pierre Auguste Edmond Alaret would have gotten his wife, Louise Marguerite Marie Taillefer, pregnant.


31 January 1882 - Birth

Approx. 06:00

After Louise would have been around nine months pregnant, at around 06:00 in the morning of 31 January 1882, she gave birth to a baby girl at their home in Bordeaux [1]. Since it was early in the morning, it would have been probable that Pierre was there when she gave birth. Sometime between her birth and registering their new-born's acte de naissance, they would have decided to give her the first and middle names Marthe Elisabeth Germaine [1].

2 February 1882 - Registering acte de naissance

Approx. 14:00

At 2 o'clock in the evening, Pierre and Louise, along with their newborn Marthe, as well as Jean Lagüe and Jacques Miaille, went to the Adjoint de Maire of Bordeaux, Charles Gaden to register Marthe's acte de naissance. Charles wrote the following in the Registre des actes de naissance de Bordeaux, section 1, 1882, along with the signatures of Pierre, Jean, and Jacques:

147. D.V. Alaret Marthe ,
approuvant le renvoi ci dessus
Alaret J. Lagüe
L'adjoint du Maire
C Gaden

L’an mil huit cent quatre-vingt-deux, le Deux fevrier . à deux heures du soir devant
nous Charles Gaden Adjoint au Maire de Bordeaux, délégué pour remplir les fonctions
d’Officier de l’État Civil, a comparu Pierre Auguste Edmond Alaret ,âgé de
Quarante deux ans juge de paix du 3e canton de cette Ville , y demeurant
Cours de Tournus, 20 ; lequel nous a présenté un enfant du sexe féminin , né
en sa demeuré , le trente-un janvier dernier , à six heures du matin , de lui
déclarant , et de Louise Marguerite t Elisabeth Taillefer , âgée de trente cinq
ans , sans profession son épouse ;enfant auquel il donne les prénoms de Marthe , Elisabeth , Germaine
Dont acte fait en présence de Messieurs : Jean Laqüe ,âgé de cinquante neuf ans ,greffier
de Justice de paix , Rue Guérin, 1 et Jacques Miaille , âgé de quarante ans , commis
Greffier de Justice de Paix , Cours d Albret 21,
____Lecture faite de présent, le pere et les témoins ,ont signé avec nous

Alaret J . Lagüe
C Gaden

147. D.V. Alaret Marthe ,
approving the above reference
Alaret J. Lagüe
Adjutant of the Mayor
C Gaden

The year one thousand eight hundred eighty two, the Second february . at two o'clock at night before
us Charles Gaden Adjutant to the Mayor of Bordeaux, delegated to fulfill the functions
of Officier de l'État Civil, appeared Pierre Auguste Edmond Alaret ,aged
Fourty two years justice de paix of the 3rd canton of this City , there living at
Cours de Tournus, 20 ; of which we presented a child of the feminine sex , born
in her residence , last thirty first of january , at six o'clock in the morning , to him
declaring , and to Louise Marguerite t Elisabeth Taillefer , aged thirty five
years , without profession her spouse ;child to which he dives the first names Marthe , Elisabeth , Germaine
Act of which done in the presence of Sirs : Jean Laqüe , aged fifty nine years ,clerk
of Justice de paix , Rue Guérin, 1 and Jacques Miaille , aged fourty years registry
clerk of Justice de Paix , Cours d'Albret 21,
____Lecture done of present, the father and the eyewitnesses ,signed
with us

Alaret J . Lagüe
C Gaden

The time given for the birth is 06:00, which is doubtful that it was exactly 06:00 and was probably around that time, since it would probably have taken more than a minute for Louise to give birth. The same goes for It it also unknown why it took Pierre and Louise two days to do this. It is possible that they had to schedule for Marthe to be registered before it could be done so, and so were able to do it on the 2nd.

16 June 1885

Approx. 11:00

At around 11 o'clock in the morning on 16 June 1885, Germaine's father Pierre, died of unspecified causes[2]. She was just three years old at the time.


After death


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Marthe Elisabeth Germain Alaret". WWII Archives.
  2. "Pierre Auguste Edmond Alaret". WWII Archives. Retrieved 14 December 2022.


"Registre des actes de naissance de Bordeaux, section 1, 1882 - 1882". Archives Bordeaux Métropole. 1882. Retrieved 14 December 2022.

Contributors: Paul Sidle