Operation Neptune

From WWII Archives

Revision as of 00:18, 14 November 2022 by Paul Sidle (talk | contribs)

Operation Neptune is the codename given to the operation for the landing of Allied soldiers on Normand beaches as part of Operation Overlord.

At 16:55, Adolf Hitler issued an order to Seventh Army headquarters. The order went as follows[1]:

16:55 hours. June 6, 1944
Chief of Staff Western Command emphasized the desire of the Supreme
Command to have the enemy in the bridgehead annihilated by the evening of
June 6 since there exists the danger of additional sea- and airborne landings
for support . . . The bridgehead must be cleaned up by not later than tonight.

7 June

  1. William Shirer, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p.1038, https://archive.org/details/risefallofthirdr50edshir_k3e0/page/1038/mode/2up

Contributors: Paul Sidle